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Children are in their element here.

Indoors and outdoors
Lovingly and professionally cared for
Children image

Lio is unique. And Laura too. And so is Gian. And we’re going to encourage that.

The red building blocks have to be built before the blue ones, the peas can’t touch the carrots, and your child has to be the loudest singer. Every child is unique. Every child is an invaluable asset to the whole group of children. In order for children to be able to develop freely, we attach great importance to sustainable and verifiable quality in childcare and follow the principles of the Orientierungsrahmen für frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung (Orientation Framework for Early Childhood Education) and the standards of QualiKita. All of our nurseries have an operating and educational licence. The structured design of the daily, weekly and annual timetable gives children security and self-confidence.

Mission statement


All locations are lovingly arranged with children in mind.
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Location Location Selected
Daycare Aarau
Buchserstrasse 11
5000 Aarau
Tel: 062 521 32 68
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Herrliberg
Forchstrasse 244
8704 Herrliberg
Tel: 043 277 51 68
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Horw
Sternenriedplatz 2
6048 Horw
Tel: 041 541 58 00
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Kriens
Am Mattenhof 4
6010 Kriens
Tel: 058 058 08 58
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Küssnacht am Rigi
Chlösterlistrasse 1
6403 Küssnacht am Rigi
Tel: 041 541 78 86
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Luzern/Littau
Grossmatte 2e
6014 Luzern
Tel: 041 541 76 88
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Neuhausen am Rheinfall
8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall
Tel: 052 550 27 27
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Root
Platz 5
6039 Root D4
Tel: 041 541 78 89
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Rotkreuz
Chäsimatt 15
6343 Rotkreuz
Tel: 043 543 59 50
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Sursee
Allee 1b
6210 Sursee
Tel: 041 921 19 77
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Winterthur
St. Gallerstrasse 10
8400 Winterthur
Tel: 052 202 00 03
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Winterthur-Wülflingen
Gartenhof 2
8408 Winterthur
Tel: 052 521 64 10
to location
Location Location Selected
Daycare Zofingen
Pilatusweg 2
4800 Zofingen
Tel: 062 751 65 85
to location


“The weekly plans are informative and well-structured. The goals laid out also show us how professionally the team works.”

Important information for parents is available in the user area exclusively for logged-in users.

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Yesss, Mommy’s getting in touch.