Find out more about the Daycare Winterthur-Wülflingen
Our kiana daycare in Winterthur-Wülflingen is based on the concept of nature education. The children spend a lot of time outdoors, exploring nature with all their senses and learning about the environment through play. Whether observing insects in the garden, building forest huts or climbing trees – nature offers countless opportunities for the development of children’s skills. The educational work at the daycare is geared towards the individual developmental stage of each child. In a loving and familiar atmosphere, the children are strengthened in their entire personality. In addition to nature education, the focus is on promoting social skills, creativity and language development. The crèche offers flexible childcare times that are tailored to the needs of families. Whether half-day, full-day or block care – our daycare finds the right solution for every family. The team consists of experienced and committed professionals who offer the children a loving and respectful environment. With passion and expertise, they support the children in their development and help them to fulfil their potential. The kiana daycare in Winterthur-Wülflingen offers the children a varied range of activities that are tailored to their individual needs and interests.